Friday, August 14, 2009

Financial Crisis: Perspective and Solutions from Islamic Economics

Today, August 14, is being held a seminar by LEBI (Laboratorium Ekonomika dan Bisnis Islami) Faculty of Economics and Business Gadjah Mada University in Pasca Sarjana UGM. This seminar is held by colaboration with IRTI (Islamic Research and Training Institution) of Islamic Development Bank. As speakers are Dr Umer Chapra and Dr Mohammed Obaidullah, and as moderator is Dr Edi Purnawan. This seminar is a mukadimah seminar of MoU between Gadjah Mada University and IRTI.
Dr Chapra is well-known for his works in Islamic Economics and Financial, and he has publised several books and some of them have became basic reference for graduate students.
And Dr Obaidullah is an economist at IRTI of IDB. He is, especially, an expert in Islamic Microfinance. As the moderator, Dr Edi Purnawan, is a lecture in Gadjah Mada University. And last but not least, as keynote speaker is Bambang P S Brodjonegoro. He was ex-Dean of Faculty of Economics of Indonesia University, and now become Chief of IRTI of IDB.
I will post, on this blog, some materies from this seminar and substances that the speakers have presented. Hopefully it will usefull.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Define "Terrorism"

For many years, the definition of terrorism has become a debate. An act cannot be considered as terrorism without any clear understanding of what is terrorism.

In general, terrorism is defined as an act that create terror or violent to other people and cause death or bodily injury.

But sometimes, one is doing a violence to defend himself or to others good. And since any violence is an counter-terrorism, then he would become a terrorist. If we accept that kind of understanding, then people who has given a lot of contribution to our world would become terrorist too.

That's why, an international definition of terrorism has been proposed. The first noticeable attempt to define terrorism arose from The League of Nations. Terrorism was defined "all criminal acts directed against a State and intended or calculated to create a state of terror in the
minds of particular persons or a group of persons or the general public".

And then, in scholarly community, many proposals have been made. One of them that was noteworthy was made by Alex P. Schmid and A. J. Jongman in 1988. They defined terrorism as,
“Terrorism is an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action, employed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group or state actors, for idiosyncratic, criminal or political reasons, whereby—in contrast to assassination—the direct targets of violence are not the main targets. The immediate human victims of violence are generally chosen randomly (targets of opportunity) or selectively (representative or symbolic targets) from a target population, and serve as message generators. Threat- and violence-based communication processes between terrorist (organization), (imperiled) victims, and main targets are used to manipulate the main target (audience(s)), turning it into a target of terror, a target of demands, or a target of attention, depending on whether intimidation, coercion, or propaganda is primarily sought.”
The last definition has been used internationally.

my life phase

A few days ago, i celebrated my birthday. And it was really meaningful to me. I learned a lot of things.

But most of all, i had to thanx to my friends. I knew that i screwed up everything for last days. But you guys, were always forgive me.

In my contemplation days. I found that i can't make other to act just the way that i want. They have their own mind and will. I just need to focus on my goal. And confident to my self that i will make it.