Today, August 14, is being held a seminar by LEBI (Laboratorium Ekonomika dan Bisnis Islami) Faculty of Economics and Business Gadjah Mada University in Pasca Sarjana UGM. This seminar is held by colaboration with IRTI (Islamic Research and Training Institution) of Islamic Development Bank. As speakers are Dr Umer Chapra and Dr Mohammed Obaidullah, and as moderator is Dr Edi Purnawan. This seminar is a mukadimah seminar of MoU between Gadjah Mada University and IRTI.
Dr Chapra is well-known for his works in Islamic Economics and Financial, and he has publised several books and some of them have became basic reference for graduate students.
And Dr Obaidullah is an economist at IRTI of IDB. He is, especially, an expert in Islamic Microfinance. As the moderator, Dr Edi Purnawan, is a lecture in Gadjah Mada University. And last but not least, as keynote speaker is Bambang P S Brodjonegoro. He was ex-Dean of Faculty of Economics of Indonesia University, and now become Chief of IRTI of IDB.
I will post, on this blog, some materies from this seminar and substances that the speakers have presented. Hopefully it will usefull.
Dr Chapra is well-known for his works in Islamic Economics and Financial, and he has publised several books and some of them have became basic reference for graduate students.
And Dr Obaidullah is an economist at IRTI of IDB. He is, especially, an expert in Islamic Microfinance. As the moderator, Dr Edi Purnawan, is a lecture in Gadjah Mada University. And last but not least, as keynote speaker is Bambang P S Brodjonegoro. He was ex-Dean of Faculty of Economics of Indonesia University, and now become Chief of IRTI of IDB.
I will post, on this blog, some materies from this seminar and substances that the speakers have presented. Hopefully it will usefull.